Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Kazakhstan?

When people learn of our desire to adopt, we get a lot of questions - some nice, some rude, some awkward/random - and, without a doubt, the topic that seems to generate the most curiosity (maybe even controversy) is the matter of us wanting to adopt from Kazakhstan.  "Why Kazakhstan?!" is the general response.

I respond to this question in various ways, depending mainly on the person inquiring and how well I know them.  There are many reasons, really.  But here are a few big ones:

-I'm multi-ethnic (mix of Asian, Hawaiian, & caucasian).  John is caucasian.

-We would prefer a child that can relate to us on a deep level as well as physically.

-Kazakhstan is a VERY culturally diverse country; mostly Eurasian in ethnic background.

-The Kazakh people are beautiful and their culture is intriguing.

-Kazakhstan's adoption program is regarded as relatively reliable with shorter wait times.

-Orphanages & medical care in Kazakhstan are considerably better than most internationally.

-Kazakh orphans are generally in good health & are often better-cared for.

-The network of adoptive Kazakhstan families in the US seems close-knit & supportive.

And, then, this begs the follow-up question of "why not just adopt here in the US?"  Well, we are open to adopting in the US, but there are many reasons why adopting domestically wouldn't be as desirable or affordable as most think.  Reasons why:

-We would prefer children of Asian & Caucasian mix.

-It is RARE to find Asian-Caucasian mixed children to adopt in the US.

-The more picky you are in the US, the longer your wait time.

-While less expensive in general, all the domestic adoption fees do add up!

-If we do a private adoption, most birth families expect the adoptive parents to pay for medical and doctors visits during pregnancy, rent, maternity clothing, food, random living expenses, possibly personal financial compensation, and all the hospital bills.  Even after all of this, the birth family can still change their mind and we would be SOL.

-It's risky to pay all this money, with no guarantees & unknown wait times.

-There's almost as many requirements to adopt domestically as internationally.

-The possibility of direct influence/interference by birth family on our child in the future really scares me.

I don't think we are closed-off about adopting domestically or from another country.  But, we are definitely focusing on Kaz adoption because it meets almost all of what we are looking for in our adoption experience.  Adoption is a special journey that very few are able to take part in.  It is one that should not be taken lightly or rushed into.  We consider ourselves to be smart, thoughtful, reasonable people and this is the program that, after much analysis, fits us and our life goals.  So, that's why! :)

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